Méthodes Numériques pour les Fluides
Jeudi 04 Décembre 2008
Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
Salle B414 - Aile Belgrand - 4 eme étage
77420 Champs sur Marne
(Pas d'inscription - participation libre)
Acces: RER A, station Noisy-Champs, sortie 3, cite Descartes
(25 minutes depuis Paris)
10h15-10h45 : Accueil / Café
10h45-11h45 :
ShiPeng Mao (Inst. Comp. Math, Beijing)
« Anisotropic finite elements with their applications
classical convergence analysis of FEM is based on the non-degenerate
of meshes, which is a rstriction both in the theory and
applications of FEM, therefore, the
theme of this talk is the
convergence analysis of FEM methods on anisotropic meshes
11h45-12h45 : Claire Chainais-Hillairet (Univ. Clermont-Ferrand)
« Finite volume schemes for non-coercive elliptic problems»
schemes for convection-diffusion equations with Neumann boundary
conditions. In this case, the continuous problem has a kernel. We prove
that the schemes satisfy the same properties as the continuous problem
and that the kernel of the scheme and the approximate solution respectively
converge to the kernel and the solution of the problem. Finally, we show
numerical experiments in order to compare some particular schemes
(centered, upwind and Scharfetter-Gummel schemes) included in the
general framework.
It is a joint work with J. Droniou.
: Pause Repas
14h30-15h15 : Christophe Le Potier (CEA- SFME/MTMS)
« A linear scheme on irregular grids for anisotropic diffusion problems
satisfying the maximum principle
We introduce a finite-difference method for anisotropic diffusion
operators on distorted grids. We calculate the second-order derivatives
in space using a Taylor expansion. Thanks to a certain assumption on the
grid properties, we show the convergence of the scheme and a discrete
maximum principle.
The efficiency of the algorithm is demonstrated by comparing it with
analytical solutions and with results obtained by other numerical schemes.
15h15-16h00 : Leo Agelas (Inst. Francais du Petrole )
« Centered finite volume schemes for diffusion problems on general grids in
anisotropic media
We address finite volume schemes for anisotropic/heterogeneous problems.
We prove a convergence result on general grids, assuming a piecewise regular
diffusion tensor, the consistency of the numerical flux and the coercivity of the
discrete bilinear form. Numerical results will be displayed
for several finite volumes schemes.
16h00-16h15 : Café
16h15-17h00 : Daniela Capatina & David Trujillo (Univ. Pau)
« Stabilized finite element method for Navier-Stokes equations
with physical boundary conditions
This talk deals with the numerical approximation of the 2D and 3D Navier-Stokes
equations, satisfying nonstandard boundary conditions. This lays on the F.E. discretisation
of the corresponding Stokes problem, which is achieved through a three-fields stabilized
mixed formulation. A priori and a posteriori error bounds are established for the nonlinear
problem, ascertaining the convergence of the method. Finally, numerical tests are
presented, including mesh refinement via error indicators.
Organisation :
Jean-Pierre Croisille (Metz)
Francois Dubois (CNAM/Paris)
Alexandre Ern (ENPC/Champs sur Marne)
Robert Luce (Pau)
Jean-Francois Maitre (Centrale Lyon)
Acces: RER A, station Noisy-Champs, sortie 3, cite Descartes
(25 minutes depuis Paris)